This show is made up of a group of buskers who play medieval music in a totally itinerant format. This is perfect to perform in any square or place but also suitable for street parades, pageants in medieval fairs and festivals, as well as popular and traditional events.
The repertoire is really wide and songs with ancestral origins can be found, or, at least, with an ancient marked sound based on songs of the middle ages and the Renaissance period, but also on current medieval themes which have been arranged and adapted to the group so as to get the sensation of being in the real middle ages.
In its habitual format, what Sübitus suggests is a mixed quintet: a “sweet gralla” without keys, a “sweet gralla” with keys, a “tarota”, a little string kettledrum with “bordonera” and a big string kettledrum.There are also some minor percussion instruments as well as “gralls” and horns to support deep frequencies.
Music: Sübitus
Costume: Carme Puigdevall i Plantés